I just teared.
Life kinda sucks recently.
How i wish that i`m a girl
with no emotion, with no feeling and with no heart!
Yesterday late at nite, i went to meet up with a friend.
Reallly unxplainable feeeling.
How i wish.. i wish..
If u understand, the msn conversations with
you tt day says everyting.
I hope u could feel e same way i feeel too.
I really can't deny to u that your hug spoke more than wat u could
of great love n e feeeling so deeep n strong yet so unforgettable.
Silly friend. silly friend... ...Actually i do`ve sumting to share with u
n i have question to ask u..
but but..:(
ok. drop this. i shall keep it to myself.
Anyway, I wish u bon voyage n takecare of yourself there.
Enjoy your trip to the max!
Lastly, three simple words short and sweet juz for u..
i miss you..
Anyway, sem two has finally came to an end on Thursday.
Felt kinda relieved alittle although exam`s
reaching in about 1 week time.
Crossed my finger n hopefully i could
scrap off with a pass especiallly
for e two modules i find it so difficult to
concentrate during lessons.
Sometimes i wondered why human being wants to
make an offence n not obeying e law strictly.
On Monday midnite, a serious offence happened in my company.
The security guard was caught for refilling diesel for e taxi driver.
So glad tt we`ve CCTV at work.
All thanks to my two china boys for thier alertness.
Police was called up.
At first, whn e police officer spoke to e guard,
he did not want to admit.
So one of my colleagues,
(who also headed down after being informed by e china boys)
called me at about 2plus midnite.
Luckily i was half asleep, half awake.
He asked me down to operate e CCTV to show to e officer.
At tt moment, before i agreed to go down, e guard admitted.
So i continued my beauty sleep.
(infact i really can`t sleep after putting down his phonecall)
And whn e clock strikes at 5am..
I quickly get changed n headed down to my company
to accompany my colleague
as well as to understand more abt e situation.
Not to forget, it happened 3 times. 3 days consecutively.
Such dishonesty guard!
Anyway, i`ll need to make a trip down to e police station
nx Tuesday to follow up on this case again.
This girl here tendered her resignation.
So we planned a farewell gathering for her.
Diana bdae celebration cum last day of work!
Guess who`s e mastermind of this surprise?!
It's ME ME ME! haha. :P
Ktv on a lovely Sat Night!
Playing games. Loser drink!