Something to share:
When life brings you to a crossroad,
Stop and stand there and think before making nasty decisions
But do not stand for too long as opened doors of
opportunities might come close to you.
I decided to be a goood girl and stayed home without
reaching home late midnite this weekend.
So I`ve my Sat off this weeek.
Like finallly!!!
A big thanks to my awesome colleagues for thier lunch treats
at a restaurant at HBF last Sunday!
They're reallly a bunch of super sweeet colleagues.
I was chatting with my beloved girls
(Lili, Baoxuan) and sweetest Jige.
They told me how much they misses me n in return,
i told them I misses them more than they do.
Really feel bad not joining them for dinner e past
few days as i`ve class at nite n they
had another gathering next Monday!
I can`t join them for dinner again too.
Lets plan one during weekend next next weeek all right?
Met up with girlfriend on friday!
Headed to bugis.
Bought several tops n had dinner there.
I realised, although both of us're busy with our own
lifes but i`m soo glad that we still
bothered to find alittle time for each other every week.
It's so much better than 1 year ago.
Heartfelt lovess.:)
As for today, headed out to meet up with a friend
in e early afternoon at Clementi.
Headed down to Edwin's one mth old baby girl celebration.
He's one of my super duper awesome friend ever.
I`ve no idea why we juz love to praise each other often.
His comforting words and encouragement always makes me
feeel - so - loved!
We know it in our mighty heart that we really
treasure n care for each other.
Right silly number two?
We gave hongbao for his baby girl and in return,
he insisted that we should take a box of this gift back home.

After going down to his house, headed down to Jurong Point to meet up with dearest Maggie for our usual chatting sessions. She's also another awesome girl i`ve ever seen. She's one who`ll sms me almost everyday n wishes me goood morning or goood nite.
I always tell her that she seems to be my 'lover' or
rather someone who has fallen in love with me
(ooops, i`m not a lesbian anyway)
who really bother to ask me how i've been everyday and
send me sillly messages to make my day seems so bright.
Loveyou girl.
Thankyou for the treat n the lovely gift!:)
I tink i saw Anson on coincidental on e way back to Jurong Point!!!
But am in a rush to meet up with a friend so did not call him up.
Had a light dinner and home sweet home.
As for tml, I`ve a wedding dinner to attend at nite!
My cute dad came home happily n passed me this donut!
I asked him why he bought me this.
He say;" Aren`t e donut cute?!"

Cover page for one of our project assignment for Real Estate and Finance Management! :)

Goodnite and takecare ya alll.:)
There are moments in our life
when you reallly misses someone
that you want to pick them from your dreams
and and..
hug them for real!
Have you guys ever felt this way before?
12:05 AM
gimme kisses