Bought this dress via papergirlsshop two mths ago i think.
Wanted to wear it soo badlyyy when e stock arrived at my house but i guess i needed to slim down 5 kilo more to look slim on my body.
Looking forward to meet up with girlfriend after work tml and we're going to town again. hahaa
A short update and ends an enrty with that silly friend who forced me to put my face as my screensaver and print-screen it while chatting with him at work.
That's him!!! hahaa
So surprised.
We were standing so closed to each other yet i didn`t see him. Thus he called me n we got soo excited.
It's as if i`ve lost in touch with him for ages
and finallly get to see his cheeeky face.
Or probably myself who is feeeling this way.
Can`t believed both of us screamed so loudly in e train
and all pair of eyes around us're looking at us.
so paiseh.
Before I alighted at my stop, we gave each other a big hug.
cheeky, plan meet-up next mth all rightt. Ok. so where am I?
so like finallly get to meet up with her and we gave each other
a lovely hug.
Had suki sushi for dinner and had our usual chats and gossips. hahaa.
The girlfriend who always makes me teared for don't know how many times eversince i know her.
Hate you la but actually deep inside out;
u know i love you
this much and so much soo much!
so ironic rightt.
Saturday ended work at 3pm.
Headed home quickly as friends're coming to my hse in e evening. In e end stayed up and chatted till the next morning.
Super exhausted for words.
After that took a shower and toook a cab down to work.
This mth payroll is reallly hectic.
Worked till 5pm.
Felt so relieved when i completed my tasks and
Home Sweet Home.
Finally had a decent dinner with my family.
Home-coooked foood is the best!
Can`t wait for this weeekend.
(Friday, Saturday n Sunday).
Will be meeting up with all e lovely sweethearts.
Lastly, thanks EY.
I really love you love you.
You really got a piece of sweeet tongue and forever`ll make my day seems so bright whneva we chat on the phone.
So tell me how could i bear to dump u aside too
when u`re feeling blue one day?!
That night when i`m feeeling so down,
I decided and went to meet up with him.
I follow my heart tells me to although in e first place was alittle unrelunctant.
He knew i was troubled yet he did not say anything.
In e end, he gave me a reallly strong hug.
I see through his eyes and at tat point of time,
i really felt so fortunate to have a friend like him.
The intensity of my feeeling stopped.
I sense sumting is troubling him too but he still
consoled me in whateva means he can.
With these 8 words, "Everyting will be fine. It is all fine!"
At that point of time, my affection towards him
grows deeper and greater.
That hug spoke more than what he could,
of great love and at e same time,
i`m feeeling so lost n helplessness.
Because i felt that i did not do my part to make him smile.
So from today onwards, i wish that i can have his smile.
Stay happpy coz u knows that i really care n treasures you.
I think of her last nite.
Misses laughing at silly things with her and misses her big and bubbly eyes.
Can`t wait to give u a big BIG hug honeyyy..
This day spells her most important and happiest day in her whole life.
At least she gets to see it coz all e while; it was her wish, her dream to see both of them getting married.